Paper waste

Our company is primarily involved in takeover and processing of paper waste.
We takeover packaging paper waste that has become superfluous in smaller and bigger shops, markets, at the premises of the manufacturer as well as on Client’s location, as well as waste transported to our location, and after appropriate pre-treatment, sorting, baling we take it directly for recycling. The paper waste treated in this manner will be used to produce new paper.
For purchase and transport of paper waste, we have vehicles with automatic pressing machine, of container type, and other vehicles and means of collection.
In addition to purchasing packaging waste, we also take over all other types of paper waste, office waste, discarded magazines, books, newspapers, other.
We also provide service of destroying documents by means of baling or grinding, in accordance with a separate agreement.

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Paper waste

Our Company profile also includes purchase of packaging plastic waste.
We accept takeover of packaging plastic waste both in our location, and in client’s location.
For transportation of waste, we provide appropriate vehicle, i.e. big bags for collection and storing of waste.
After takeover of waste, we sort, bale and transport the plastic waste to the user for recycling.
We purchase the following types of plastic waste:
Water washed and colored PE foil, crumpled foil.

Contact us for more information!

Destruction of documents

Our Company accepts takeover, transport, treatment and destruction of office paper waste, generated through selection.
Destruction can be performed by baling or grinding the documents. Destruction of documents is preceded by one treatment, where we separate paper from plastic or hard cardboard holders, clean it from indigo, staples and other metal elements.
You can wait for the destruction of documents onsite, namely the document owner can himself perform the grinding of documents.

Contact us for more information!